News and Events
Looking for a career -reset?
Looking for an opportunity that is AI proof? Welcome to a very exciting, low cost, management franchise opportunities for people, working from home. Healthcare comes top of the list as jobs least susceptible to AI automation. A career reset offers be renewed...
Age Friendly Employer
There are 11 million people aged 65 or over in England. In ten years, this will grow to more than 13 million Seniors Helping Seniors helps with the complex social challenges an ageing population generates. We are a win win, offering enjoyable, local ,well-paid jobs...
Real Living wage
Joining our care franchise means upholding important principles. Our partners take pride in joining a business where treating clients, suppliers, and teams exceptionally well is non-negotiable. We distinguish ourselves from typical franchisors. We carefully screen out...
2nd UK Franchise partners buy another territory
At the beginning of September 2023, the owners of Seniors Helping Seniors Windsor, Maidenhead and Bracknell bought their second territory in Eastbourne, Hastings and Rother. Having run Seniors Helping Seniors Windsor, Maidenhead and Bracknell Forest for nearly 3...
10 years Anniversary
10 years is a significant anniversary for any business! The demand for Care at home has rocketed. The changes we’ve made to Care in the UK since 2013 was celebrated by the American owners of Seniors Helping Seniors who joined the UK’s partner convention in Canterbury....
CQC rated GOOD
The Seniors Helping Seniors Personal Care Services have been rated as GOOD across the board by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) The CQC report should be read in full since it describes the standards and processes we apply across the business. The CQC inspector...
Exiting a franchised business
Seniors Helping Seniors UK partners exit the business, selling profitably and quickly. Every business owner’s exit strategy is different and in franchising it is important that the franchisor is supportive. Seniors Helping Seniors invests in people development...
Buying a second franchise
Tim Heaney said: “I started as a carer, so I know how Seniors Helping Seniors operates from the inside. My experience of working with the franchisors for Seniors Helping Seniors Surrey, proved they deliver the right level of support. They deliver their promises, and...
Experienced Franchisees
Experienced franchisee Andy Boothman had built and sold a cleaning franchise before he bought his Seniors Helping Seniors franchise in 2018. Andy reached his goal for Seniors Helping Seniors in year four as forecasted and he sold the franchise in 2022. Interest...
International Women’s day
I spoke with the Living Wage Foundation for International Women’s Day today and from this one piece of work with them, Seniors Helping Seniors has helped put some important issues in to the light and achieved national coverage. Seniors Helping Seniors became a...
The Right Choice

After 25 years in elderly care, we know how to effectively start, grow and manage business operations. With a strong franchise community supporting you, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.