01227 454 900

About us

Christian and Sally Wilse know how to start and manage businesses.

They bring complimentary skills to the organisation.  

Honesty and a drive to serve the partners who trust them with investment, is just as important to them as helping people to age better in the UK. 

Sally’s background in comparative health care systems helped the couple identify the strength of the Seniors Helping Seniors care brand. 

They were looking to enter an industry that needed a new approach, it needed to be something worthwhile and impactful and the Seniors Helping Seniors brand was it!

Christian has started businesses that became worldwide successes from scratch, and he excels in crisis management, operations and strategic planning.

Sally’s marketing expertise and culture and teambuilding skills have helped position Seniors Helping Seniors in the UK.  The couple make their teams and their customers raving fans.

As the world ages, people need access to trusted care and rewarding jobs. The Seniors Helping Seniors brand is admired for doing both simultaneously. “It’s about people power” Sally says, “Seniors Helping Seniors was built from the ground up with this ethos and it has never deviated. It was stunning to learn how doing the right things, for the right reasons, is what it took to disrupt the care sector!  Our job is to encourage great people into Seniors Helping Seniors and to help them to achieve their goals.”

Christian and Sally have four adult children and three grandchildren. Their close family lives in UK, Norway, Majorca and America so they cherish family time when it comes.

Friends and business partners say “Sally and Christian are great fun, reliable and trustworthy people who never turn away from the difficult conversations, or hard work. They always have solutions because they keep an enquiring mind. They are energetic, committed and easy to be with.”

Our Mission


Seniors Helping Seniors  provides outstanding customer experiences and supports outstanding carers.

We have disrupted the care industry and our franchise partners make money through doing good. 

The teachable business model exemplifies profit with purpose, empowerment, self-governance, thought leadership and the value of local expertise.


Franchise Testimonials

"Our key driver to own a Seniors Helping Seniors franchise was the opportunity to work for ourselves whilst offering a much needed “everyone wins” service to the families in our community."

"The Seniors Helping Seniors franchise came to us as a real breath of fresh air. Initial training was 5*. Follow up and support has been there when we’ve needed it. We’ve enjoyed the start-up and we are realising our ambitions to do good and secure our futures with this franchise"

Keith & Barbara Reddy
Own and manage Seniors Helping Seniors, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Westmalling

An experienced franchisee, Andy knew he’d found the right outlet when his wife Eva showed him the Seniors Helping Seniors franchise opportunity in October 2017

Andy says, “Seniors Helping Seniors had the right mix of social enterprise for us. It deals with two critical community issues, elderly care and employment and it uses our expertise and our passions.”  They asked to fast track their training to be ready to fulfil the post-Christmas enquiries.

Andy Boothman
Owns and manages Seniors Helping Seniors, Guildford, Woking and Godalming

The Right Choice

After 25 years in elderly care, we know how to effectively start, grow and manage business operations. With a strong franchise community supporting you, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.

CQC inspected and rated good RGB