Ongoing Support

Our management style has a light touch.
Without external investors driving sales targets, we are free to help you achieve the goals you have for yourself. We have proven results.
Our systems are straightforward and efficient. You have access to business support from sector experts and 24/7 support from people with hands on experience.
Support is available to you constantly and as you approach every milestone in your business.
The company’s processes are transparent and sharing. The network of franchise partners is supportive and friendly.
Care needs are growing exponentially in the UK and the unique system of care that sees Seniors Helping other Seniors is reliable, capable and fun to run.
You get a turnkey solution to our brand and training and support for sales, development, and operations. Everyone joins us with skills, and the support provided keeps you fresh and ahead in every area.
You’ll receive proprietary trademarks, proven processes, over 25 years of assets and case studies, and a free website. Initial training is backed up by step-by-step manuals, ongoing training, regular follow ups and 24/7 support. You will also have access to a powerful network of like minded entrepreneurs in the UK and worldwide.
The company aggressively pursues valuable kitemarks and awards to demonstrate our commitment. We are proud members of the Good Business Charter and a champion for the care sector for The Living wage foundation. We are active members of the British Franchise Association and multiple award winners for service and employment. We have built a network to support you. Our franchise partners give our support five stars.
Franchise partners receive coaching and development opportunities; mentorship and well-being support for themselves and key members of their team.
The Right Choice

After 25 years in elderly care, we know how to effectively start, grow and manage business operations. With a strong franchise community supporting you, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.