Accreditations - The Good Business Charter
The Good Business Charter
Accreditation is dependent on organisations proving they qualify by fulfilling :-
- real living wage, The Real Living Wage is a UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by UK businesses who believe their staff deserve a fair wage.
As champions for the Real Living Wage in the care sector, the entire company values lived and learned skills and offers enjoyable, flexible, local work that is well paid and well supported
- fairer hours and contracts, Our carers are employed on zero hours contracts because flexibility is part of the role. The zero hour contract is freely accepted by the employee – Carers tell us they “cherish” the flexibility and choice in their work. We monitor their attitude towards the contractual terms.
- employee well-being, the physical and mental well-being of people really matters and we support and encourage this.
We support stable, safe, good quality work. The work is varied and interesting and includes learning and skills development.
- employee representation, there is a voice representing our employees around the boardroom table
- diversity and inclusion, ensuring Seniors Helping Seniors is an inclusive place to work. We have measures in place to encourage diversity and we monitor diversity and equity.
- environmental responsibility, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and we continually improve our environmental performance. Through the purchases we make with and on behalf of our clients, recycling and up-cycling, we are working towards being a paperless organisation education and up-skilling our clients on how their information is consumed.
- paying fair tax, we commit to paying our taxes, not to engage in tax avoidance and we commit to be transparent in our relationship with HMRC.
- commitment to customers, in a competitive environment good customer service give our business an advantage. We provide award winning customer service in a sector that usually doesn’t even qualify for such awards because care is not usually viewed as a customer transaction. Our expectation is to create raving fans in our customer base. Part of that is to follow responsible pricing. The charter rejects the practice of profiteering, whereby firms make excessive profits out of people’s needs. Our terms of business include flexibility, flat fees and choice as a norm.
- ethical sourcing, all businesses who have signed up to the charter need to pay careful attention to trading ethically. We are very careful to partner responsible, transparent partners and we use local suppliers.
- prompt payment, paying promptly shows respect to suppliers. Our partners are encouraged to prioritise small businesses. Late payment can be hugely damaging for small businesses and we prioritise prompt payment
The Right Choice
After 25 years in elderly care, we know how to effectively start, grow and manage business operations. With a strong franchise community supporting you, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.