Homecare franchise business Buckinghamshire
Care franchise Buckinghamshire
This page is designed to act as a ‘conversation starter’ as to the viability of our Care Franchise Buckinghamshire, to your ambitions.
By providing you with key information about Buckinghamshire for your ideal Homecare franchise business, we hope to help you take the next step into successful franchising.
If you are searching for a service sector business for Buckinghamshire, the Seniors Helping Seniors potential franchisee has the choice of protected franchise areas in Buckinghamshire.
Homecare franchise business in Buckinghamshire
The closest office in the Seniors Helping Seniors franchise network will be approximately one hour’s drive away from you.
All the support you need from the franchisors is on an as-needed basis and person support is available 130 miles away in Canterbury, Kent. Training is in Canterbury Kent.
As a community led business, your home-based franchise is ideally located in the community you serve. As the first franchise in Buckinghamshire for Seniors Helping Seniors, your first choice location will be available to you.
As a bonus, you will benefit from servicing clients coming to you from all over the area in the beginning.
Great news Demand in Bucks is high and our multi award winning care brand stands for great care, trust, great customer service and great jobs.
Bucks population data Buckinghamshire is the most ageing county in the South-East and East of England!
Key towns in Buckinghamshire are Aylesbury, Amersham and Milton Keynes. MK is the largest town in Buckinghamshire
Urban areas in Buckinghamshire tend to be younger, rural areas have more middle aged people and market towns have more elderly people in their demographic.
- Nearly half (47%) of Market Town households are classified as ‘Wealthy Achievers’
- 28% of Market Town households are “Comfortably Off”
The Market Towns of Buckinghamshire include Chesham, Amersham, Gerrards Cross, The Chalfonts (Little Chalfont; Chalfont St.Peter; Chalfont St. Giles) Marlow, Denham, Farnham Common, Iver, Burnham, Bourne End, Beaconsfield, Great Missendon.
There are higher proportions of people with a long-term and limiting illness living in Market Towns and there are more pensioner households in Market towns. Long-term limiting illness (LLI) limits their daily activities.
Most older people in Bucks live in in Chesham, Amersham, The Chalfonts
The oldest age group (85+) is ageing fastest.
The prospects Buckinghamshire benefits from amazing population data for Seniors Helping Seniors
- Buckinghamshire is one of the 20% least deprived counties in England
- Life expectancy for both men and women is higher than the England average
- The overall population in Buckinghamshire is predicted to rise by a fifth in the 25 years to 2037
- The older population of Buckinghamshirehas been increasing well above the average ageing rate for the South-East and England rate
- The ageing trend is predicted to continue with the over 65’s increasing 74% 2012 to 2037
- The oldest age group (90+) is predicted to grow by 286%
(85-89% will increase by 134%; 80-84 by 79%; 75-79 by 71%; 60-64 12.8%
55-50 16.6%)
- Aylesbury Vale sees the highest increase of over 65’s at 101.4% growth
- South Banks 72.8%
- Wycombe 62.2%
- Chiltern 51.9%
As the proportion of older people in the population grows, the number of people with living with dementia and other ability-reducing diseases increases and with it the need for self-funded support.
Stokenchurch, Great Missenden and Buckingham are Dementia friendly areas. There is a useful community to signpost older people to support called BOCG covering the Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe districts
Unpaid carers Unpaid carers make up ten percent of the total population in Buckinghamshire – that’s around 45,000 people across all the communities in the county.
There are no other homecare providers in Buckinghamshire with the S.A.F.E care award relating to COVID-19
Staff turnover in care companies in Buckinghamshire is above the national average. Clients complain that different carers turn up most days, meaning they must explain their needs all over again.
We would therefore expect a high level of excitement when Seniors Helping Seniors arrives in Buckinghamshire.
The Right Choice
After 25 years in elderly care, we know how to effectively start, grow and manage business operations. With a strong franchise community supporting you, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.