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The company’s methodologies for offering personal care to their clients alongside their famous companionship care are approved by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

60% of all care needs in the UK are non-personal care in nature.

Non personal care services are out of scope for the care regulators. The CQC do not regulate Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Clients know Companionship care is not regulated and they rely on the company’s outstanding customer reviews.  Being out of scope for the regulators has an appeal to business owners.

Traditionally Seniors Helping Seniors offers companionship services, helping around the house and helping clients to get out and about.

Usually, non-personal care services are sufficient for clients because experienced companions provide support, guide, encourage and prompt for safety and wellbeing.

When Client needs increase, Seniors Helping Seniors business owners recommend local services for personal care such as bathing, toileting, and dressing medication and medical services.

Seniors Helping Seniors took on the challenge to provide personal care services themselves because of customer demand. Clients want to remain independent, and they want to stay at home.   Clients also appreciate continuity of care. They love the fact that their information stays in one place with the same wonderful carers looking after them. 

Some Seniors Helping Seniors companies in the UK now provide personal care by training existing companion carers and employing qualified carers as well as a qualified care manager who is registered with the CQC.

The franchisor does not charge franchise partners for the CQC approved care opportunities.

The company’s methodologies for offering personal care to their clients alongside their famous companionship care are approved by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

For the £25K franchise fee, existing and new partners now have the choice to provide personal care as well as companionship care.

There is no pressure to add the regulated care services.

When Seniors Helping Seniors offers personal care services.

Clients say they love the continuity of care option when their needs escalate.

Carers say they love the training opportunities and they love working with colleagues for specific tasks.

Local community says they love having a care company they trust to help with demand.  

Franchise partners say they love having this option to increase turnover whenever they want to. 

Christian Wilse Seniors Helping Seniors (UK) Ltd says, “We disrupt the care sector in the UK and we disrupt franchising. Our approach is the same in everything we do. We do the right thing.”